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BangCd - Music CD and Music DVD

Bangcd offering a wide range of Music CD and Music DVD at Great and Competitive prices. Free delivery worldwide. BangCD is a small, privately owned company. Our prices are extremely competitive and we offer some of the lowest prices around. Combined with our friendly and efficient Customer Support, we want to provide you with a quick and easy shopping experience every time you shop with us.

You have the option to become a BangCD member which means we can store multiple delivery addresses. So, if you want to send a CD to a friend or treat yourself to a DVD, you can enter several delivery addresses which you can update or amend at any time. From time to time, we shall also send BangCD members special offers which means you will be offered titles from our Bargain Corner first.

All feedback relating to our site and service is greatly appreciated so if you want to drop us a line, please contact Customer Support.

Thank you for choosing BangCd - we hope you enjoy your shopping experience.

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