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Discover-Hotels - Online hotel reservations

At the Discovery Hotels & Resorts, our team comprises of professional executives with extensive experience in the hotel management. Our team integrates local and foreign executives who are academically-trained and job-skilled. They will provide full support on managing hospitality-related projects and ensure smooth operation.Discovery Hotels & Resorts management is an organization comprising of seasoned and accomplished hoteliers and tourism experts. It provides management and consultancy services to some of the most prestigious hotels in Indonesia, as well as secluded Resorts. Discovery Hotels & Resorts offer full services to new projects as well as existing properties.The Mission of Discovery Hotels & Resorts is : To optimize the return on investment through services, standards and effective modern management.Online hotel reservations with a huge selection of discounted hotels in all major destinations. Low rates, reservation is secure and free, cancellation is free. is a dedicated hotel reservation website run by Online Discovery Ltd. a UK based company with offices and staff in England and Germany.Hotel Management | Shopping Center | Investment Management | Technical AssistanceThe main core of Discovery Hotels & Resorts is the successful management of hotels and resorts. Discovery Hotels & Resorts manages properties both located in gateways as well as secondary cities. Management of a specific object is geared towards maximizing the return on investment, without sacrificing on quality standards.AustraliaAustria BelgiumBulgaria CanadaChina CyprusCzech Republic DenmarkEstonia FinlandFrance GermanyGreat Britain GreeceHungary IndiaIreland ItalyJapan LithuaniaLuxembourg MaltaMexico NorwayPoland PortugalRomania SingaporeSlovak Republic SloveniaSpain Sweden Switzerland Thailand The Netherlands Turkey

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