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Insert Animated GIF into PDF

Insert animated GIF into PDF utility is fully compatible in compression of high resolution heavy image files to lighter and precise PDF file. GIF to PDF converter is perfect convert tool designed to convert GIF into PDF files, which can helps you convert your photos, drawings, scanned and faxed images into Acrobat PDF documents. Converter provides powerful functions and Settings include set page size, orientation, image size, margin and layout of the output PDF document. Download free trial version of Apex GIF to PDF Converter from to convert create PDF from multiple animated graphics file. GIF to PDF is designed to transform number of images, photos or pictures into multipage PDF documents. Product supports quick conversion of GIF files into PDF files consist of entire graphics, text and resolution. It provides a very convenient, simple way to compose electronic Books which can then be issued to the Web. Software is compatible with all Windows platforms such that 98, ME, NT, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, Windows 7 Ultimate.

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