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Microcontrollers - made easy

Microcontrollers made easy. Basic Micro manufactures a complete line of easy to use microcontrollers for a wide range of applications. Basic Micro continues to innovate by creating new products that make microcontrollers and robotics not only easy to use, but fun! Basic Micro operates a production facility in Vista, California. All our products are manufactured in the USA. We also operate a small office in Shenzhen, China. Our China office is mainly for part sourcing. However for quality reasons we still use many parts from places like Digikey, Jameco and Mouser. Most all of our employees are virtual and located in the Temecula, California area. We believe in being green and using our local work force. Some of the ways we contribute to the global green movement is by staying virtual. It dramatically reduces our carbon footprint. We also produce all of our PCB using gold plating. This makes all Basic Micro products highly recyclable. We believe the benefits far out way the additional cost.

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