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JPG to PDF software tool

Change JPG to PDF software tool offers an optimized application to convert create image files into PDF page documents with good quality without losing any image data quality. Program is a powerful, specialized conversion tool focused to convert numerous highly dense JPG files into single or common PDF documents very easily. PDF generator utility is fully compatible in compression of high resolution heavy image files to lighter and precise PDF files. Free software provides function set the orientation, page size, page margin, image size and layout. PDF utility set Meta properties like title, author, subject and keywords. PDF converter insert merge multiple batch images to PDF, screenshot to PDF, picture to PDF, graphics to PDF, photo to PDF and scan to PDF. JPG to PDF is designed to transform number of images, photos or pictures into multipage PDF documents. PDF converter utility is standalone application that does not require Adobe Acrobat Reader for converting image into PDF. PDF facilitates to convert all type of image, photos, pictures, graphics, scans, photographs, fax, stills, snaps, screenshots, and snapshots into PDF files.

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