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Minicams is a trusted supplier to broadcasters, film makers & independent production companies.

Minicams was established in 2008 to provide specialist cameras, production systems and services for both wet and dry hire to the broadcast industry. Its technical experts specify, source and test the latest television equipment for integration into its portable production units (PPUs) and fixed camera rigs.

Headquartered in Staines, West London, the Minicams team has a background in television production, having operated and fitted specialist camera systems around the world on some of the highest profile sporting events.
Minicams is trusted by broadcasters and independent production companies to deliver cost-effective HD solutions that are installed fast, operated with skill and provide the producers with the creativity and control they need.

Its core services are:
• Fixed rig filming
• Kit Hire
• On-board systems
• Covert filming
• Infra-red filming
• Bespoke Specialist systems
• Technical crewing
• Technical assistance

Managing Director, Nick McLachlan worked for 2 years in the USA as an aerial cameraman and has been involved with numerous Winter and Summer Olympics. He brings with him a wealth of experience and enthusiasm for getting that ‘hard to achieve’ shot. Nick is passionate about specialist cameras and the broadcast industry and won an RTS award for his camera work on The Family series 1.

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