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Brazilian Yoga Pants and Brazilian Fashion

Amazing brazilian yoga pants, brazilian workout clothes, brazilian fashion. The very best Brazilian fashion, workout clothes and Brazilian yoga pants.
RIO2LA is a 100% American company that offers you top-quality sportswear and active wear with a truly unique flair that blends the flavor and beauty of Brazil with the trendsetting fashion appeal of the southern California lifestyle. We offer only the best Brazilian fabrics, styles and silhouettes. Our goal is to promote Brazilian fashion in the United States and worldwide.

Opening RIO2LA is just the first step in owner and president Altever Fernandes’ quest to bring the very highest quality in fashionable women’s workout wear from Brazil to the United States, where nothing like it yet exists! Soon, we’ll be adding more women’s fashion, accessories and even menswear and designer tees. Friend us on Facebook to keep up with our news and specials.

Our fashions for active lifestyles look great at the gym, on a beach, at a friend’s BBQ, at your next yoga class, or running errands. RIO2LA styles add color and excitement to your wardrobe and life. As comfortable as they are sexy, these clothes make you look great no matter what you’re doing!

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