MONKIND Berlin - exklusive Kindermode aus der Hauptstadt

Alle unsere Produkte sind handgefertigt in unseren Laden in Berlin und wir hoffen, dass Du dessen Einzigartigkeit genießen, so wie wir und unsere Kinder. Wir konzentrieren uns auf Struktur, Schnitt und Design und versuchen eine zeitlose, subtile aber noch funktionelle Kleidungsstuck herzustellen. Durch originale Schnitt, unsere eigene Stoffentwürfe und unsere professionelle aesthetic wir machen ganz simple, innovative und stylish Kinderkleidung, die gleichzeitig Spaß für Kinder und Eltern sind. Unsere Fokus ist auf Nachhaltigkeit. Alles wird in unseren Laden-Atelier in Berlin handgefertigt von fast ausschließlich Bio-Stoffe. Wir sind sehr passionierte Unterstutzer vom lokale Artisans und Geschäfte und glauben, dass diese Thema wichtig für die Welt ist. ---- We're a family made up of a fashion designer, a musician and two little explorers. Since its conception, we’ve nursed and nurtured MONKIND as our own child. However, the journey is far from over. All of our products are hand made with love in our shop in Berlin and we hope you enjoy the charming uniqueness of them as much as we and our children do. We concentrate on the structure, the cut, the design, the overall aesthetic message, and aim to create something subtle, functional and timeless. Through original pattern design, our own fabric designs and our professionally trained and finely honed aesthetic, we are able to create simple, innovative and stylish children’s clothes that are fun for parents and children alike. We focus on sustainability. This is achieved through all products being hand made and prepared in our shop/atelier in Berlin. We feel strongly about supporting the local artists and designers who live and work amongst us. Everything we produce is qualitative and produced in a sustainable and responsible way, with mostly organic fabric. The designer and lifeblood of MONKIND is Valeria. She was born in the former Soviet Union into a professional artistic family and was taught from birth the importance of the aesthetic and the relevance of composition, and soon became one of her home city's most promising art and fashion students. After graduating from an exclusive Berlin fashion school with numerous accolades and a stipend, her love of fashion prospered and bloomed. Then came several years of running her own women’s wear label and countless collaborations with photographers for art and styling projects. Around three years ago, with the birth of her first child, Valeria naturally began to make clothes for him, which rapidly became a passion and culminated in her decision to create a baby and kid’s wear label: MONKIND Berlin.
- Online Shop Eintrag:
- 7292
- Eingetragen am:
- 06.02.2015
- Aktualisiert am:
- 05.10.2017