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Remove PDF Protection

Remove PDF protection software is a user friendly PDF restriction removal tool to unlock password protected PDF files for editing, copying, printing & extracting PDF restrictions. User can set or modify Meta properties such as author, title, subject and keywords. You can also remove all the PDF permissions like document print, edit, copy, modify, comments, annotations, form fill, accessibility, etc. With this program, you can disable any security settings of PDF. If you are unable to print bulk PDF files, use this Unlock PDF tool to print and modify your multiple PDF files on a single click. It is support to add prefix and suffix with resultant file name for better naming. Software supports all type of encrypted PDF files including RC4 (40 bit and 128 bit), AES 256 bit. Download free trial version of Apex PDF Password & Restriction Remover from to add or remove password protection. Software successfully runs on different Windows operating system such as Win2000, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Win98, Win Vista, Win Vista x64 and Win XP.

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