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Photo Recovery Software

Geeksnerds Windows Data Recovery Software can recover data from files and folders, from a drive or removable media, which have been deleted, formatted, or cases where partition table is deleted or formatted. Geeksnerds data recovery software can recover from FAT, FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS. This professional data recovery software works efficiently both on Windows XP and Windows Vista and can effectively recovery data in case of logical hard drive recovery. Geeksnerds Photo Recovery Software is a software program which recovers lost digital images, photos and pictures from hard drives, memory cards and digital cameras. The recovery process is simple and user friendly as the software shows the thumbnails of images. Geeksnerds image recovery tool can recover, restore, retrieve, un-delete, un-format digital images, photos and picture file from hard disk drive, portable drives, removable mass storage devices(flash USB drive, memory stick, mini disk, compact flash) and memory cards including MMC, SD, XD, Micro SD and Mini SD easily.

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