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PCL to PDF Console Program that focus on imaging-oriented technologies

PCLTool SDK - Option III for Capturing / Converting PCL to PDF or PCL to PDF/A. PCLTool SDK - Option III converts COMPLEX PCL into raster/vector PDF or PDF/A formats, or raster XPS format while extracting text. PageTech develops software libraries that focus on imaging-oriented technologies which may be used in printing, document imaging, archiving, viewing or faxing applications. PageTech has a select staff of engineers and management with over 25 years of continuous experience in the development of printer drivers, font technology and other imaging-related technologies. The base printer and font technology was originally developed by Atech Software for use in its own application software product line. This technology has been repositioned by PageTech to be used by third-party developers of various applications including: Tax Preparation, Mortgage Loan Processing, Document Imaging and many others. PageTech continually enhances and improves its core technologies.

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