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Tresor Berlin - Tresor music and merchandise

club program, artists and new releases on our label. Tresor music and merchandise. Abe Duque, Alan Oldham, Alexander Kowalski, Angel Molina, Ben Sims, Blake Baxter, Chris Liebing, Dave Tarrida, Der Dritte Raum, DJ Hell, DJ Julien & Gonzague, DJ Rush, DJ Shufflemaster, DJ Tanith, Dr. Motte, Gary Martin aka Teknotika, Good Groove, Jason Leach, Joey Beltram, John Acquaviva, Jonzon, Josh Wink, Justin Berkovi live, Kelli Hand, Marusha, Mike Grant, Monika Kruse, Namito, O/V/R feat. James Ruskin & Regis, Oscar Mulero, Paul Kalkbrenner live, Paul van Dyk, Ricardo Villalobos, Richie Hawtin, Savvas Ysatis live, Scan 7 live, Steve Bicknell, Terry Donovan, The Advent live and of course the entire Tresor resident DJ team. No festival, rave, parade or party will ever match such a historic line-up of international talent, paying homage to the techno mouse that roared. Starting on April 20th, 2005 the Tresor Club?s Bonito House and Tresor Headquarters parties find themselves in exile at Club Maria am Ufer in Berlin every Wednesday night. The spacious, cool club will be home for Bonito/Headquarters until the search for a new Tresor Club location is over. But the Tresor concept and the memory of Leipziger Strasse 126a remains all that it is: a monolithic rock in the turf and a magic place where the most intense experiences techno can provide will continue to ring through the asphalt and buildings of Potsdamer Platz.

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